VetIMPRESS Video Review: Parklands Veterinary Group

VetIMPRESS > VetIMPRESS Video Review: Parklands Veterinary Group

VetIMPRESS Video Review: Parklands Veterinary Group

In this video case study, VetIMPRESS user Treenie Bowser from Parklands Veterinary Group describes how VetIMPRESS provides the analysis vets want.


These are just some of the things Treenie says about VetIMPRESS:


“If we have data ongoing we can look back at the figures, we can see if there’s any trends, we can track and monitor the farm more accurately.” VetIMPRESS secure data management platform gives farm vets the tools to collect and analyse animal data, delivering insights that enable evidence-based decisions and demonstrate a positive impact on productivity.


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24th January 2021


VetIMPRESS Case Study